I wanted to post this to show the creativeness that my husband has. He wanted a place for DVDs so he built cubbies on both sides. The TV and other components will set on top of the mantle. Soon we want to put marble around the insert. No entertainment center to take up space in the room is great. The house is still a work in progress. Hopefully SOON!
Love it!!!!
Great job, Greg! I love it.
That is beautiful-what talent!
I can't wait to see the house all finished. It is going to be so beautiful (and you guys DESERVE it!!)!
Awesome! You definitely have a very talented husband. I can't wait for you all to move in and enjoy that space.
Can't wait to see the finished product, I know this dream has been a long time in the making. So happy for you all Deana. Thank you for supporting my blog, I am still trying to figure out how to get the blogs I follow and stuff on there, any tips? I can't stand spending the whole day on the computer trying to figure it out.
Love you Deaner!!!!!
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