We finally started on our house. My husband had really worked hard to get started. Patience has been a huge factor in this venture. Lots of prayer has gone into this project. We are so very excited. Gregg has designd a large part of the design. Hopefully we will be in by January. I will post more stages at a later date.
Ever so often we have hot air balloons fly over our house. One day I would love to soar through the sky in such a beautiful ride. It is quite amazing watching from the ground.
I have been tagged by Crazy Jenn to post the sixth picture in the sixth folder. It happed to be the bathing suit on the head created by Kimberly. I'm glad she figured out how to breathe. She is quite creative! I tag Heidi, Mandy, and Deon!
All of the pictures are a combination of Trunk or Treat and Halloween night on a cute flat bed trailor being pulled through our in-laws neighborhood. Kimberly really got the concept of trick or treating. She totally loved it. We certainly racked up on candy!
This is one of many cast that Caroline has adored her left foot. Right now she has a black one. The surgeon is stretching soft tissue and tendons hoping the correct as much of her foot as possible before he does surgery on December 9th (my birthday). We are going to UNC Chapel Hill Hospitals for all of this wonderful stuff. I am extremely greatful for such a great doctor who seems to know exactly what he is doing. We are hopeful that everything will be corrected. We will definately be fasting and praying on her behalf.
I love my family very much.My husband is Gregg and he is my best friend. He is a wonderful and caring husband and father. I have four beautiful girls who amaze me everyday.They are my jewels. I love being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I also love the Savior with all of my heart.