March is almost over.
Transfers are next week. This was a seven week transfer.
If Sister Morrison leaves I'm gonna cry.
This week was definitely not the most eventful week of my
mission. We had a lot of people cancel on us because people have lives and
enjoyed their spring break. I forget that most normal citizens actually have
things to do. We went tracting a ton and we shared the Easter video with a lot of people. Most of the people we
tracted into we're pretty nice. We did get shooed away from one lady's house,
she didn't even open the door she just waved us away like dogs from her window.
Guess what random lady, God saw that and you will be
judged for that in the last day <3 amazing="" anyway="" are="" between="" dinners="" feed="" food.="" fun="" had="" have="" like="" members="" much="" p="" really="" sisters.="" so="" some="" the="" they="" this="" times="" too.="" two="" us="" wards="" we="" week.="" with="">
There's one particular family, an older couple, that we
really like.
They are the Smith Family. Sister and brother smith are
both converts.
Sister smith used to be a fortune teller and she still
has all her tarot cards and her crystal ball, so when we go over there she
tells our fortunes. She has no idea how to use any of the stuff so she just
makes it up. It's hilarious. Her husband is really smart and he knows so many history
stories so we just sit and eat and listen to him talk.
We go over there a lot for dinner, when someone cancels
we call them.
Members are amazing.
Every Wednesday is District Meeting. We talked mostly
about the savior and his atonement this time, and at the end we all shared our
testimonies of the atonement and what it means to us personally. I cannot be
serving around any finer missionaries then the ones in my district/zone right
now. We probably have the best zone in the mission, hands down. I don't know
how long it's going to last, but I have thoroughly enjoyed serving around
Elders Bernhisel, Bergener, Sampson, and Argyle. The sisters here too are great
people. I love being a missionary.
Friday morning we were able to go the temple! I got
permission from president Marston to go, and we went with our ward mission
leader and his wife. I have not been to the temple since September. I had kind
of forgotten the feelings we get when we enter the temple. It was so refreshing
to be back there again. When I come home I will make it a point to go once a
week, no matter where I am or how busy my schedule is. We need to be a temple
going people. It makes us a better person every time we go. It was so nice to
go with sister Morrison. Sitting in the celestial room with her was great. We
said a prayer before we left and we really just felt love and warmth and all
the gooey emotional things that come with feeling the spirit. I love her so
much, she has become one of my very best friends.
Sunday was a great day, it was Easter first off and two
of our main investigators we have been working with were able to come to
Tito came and he stayed all three hours, it was awesome.
We talked about the atonement and how it has changed human history forever and
ever. I know the savior did that for us. I know he has conquered death so that
we can return once again to love with our Heavenly Father. I know he loves all
of us. He is my savior. He is my friend. He is my brother, and I would not
trade the relationship I have with him for anything. Missions are great. They
teach you so much about yourself that you never even knew.
The General Women's Broadcast was amazing. The theme I
got from this one was to love and serve others to the best of our abilities.
Sometimes I find myself giving people way too many
chances in my life.
I think of that as a weakness, but after hearing about
how we need to give place to the people who are alone or rejected, I don't feel
that way anymore. I'm compassionate for a reason. I will do my best to give
people as many chances they need in order for them to change their life and be
better. I will never give up on anyone in my life.
FYI for people serving or thinking about serving
missions: you definitely do not teach 17 lessons a day. Sometimes you teach
zero lessons a day. Sometimes you find no new investigators in a whole week.
Sometimes you get the door slammed in your face constantly. You are told you
are wrong. You are told that the Mormon religion is a cult. You are told you're
stupid because you don't watch the news, all you do is serve the lord. Make a
point right now to not care what anyone thinks. Care about what God thinks.
Also, READ PREACH MY GOSPEL. It's got good stuff in it.
Oh yeah so general conference is coming up and I am SO
PUMPED. I can't wait for it. After this conference, I will only have one more
left until I'm home.
I'm getting better at life in general everyone. I'm
getting better at talking to people, at small talk, at being nice to everyone,
I'm getting better at so many things. I've almost been 9 months out. That is
disgusting. Wasn't I just at the Mtc yesterday crying from homesickness and
hating society?
I love you all and I hope your Easter was good. You are
all in my prayers. I adore each and every one of you to pieces.
With oodles of love,